My current Obsessions

My current Obsessions:

✨ the first (Obvi) is that my protein smoothie matches my shirt and decor 🤣 but for real, adding our newly released Golden Turmeric to my protein smoothies 💪.

✨ Adding CrossFit @crossfit3strands to my life and running schedule again. Feeling inspired again.

✨ Double Detox (workout + detox bath) creates a deeper detox. (Note, only do this if you are hydrated).

✨ Mesh screen over back door keeping out the flies 🙌 thank you Amazon (I don’t say that often).

✨ Short hair makes me happy and sassy. Change it up, it’s good. Loving the reformulation of our Lavender Mint shampoo.

✨ Strategizing over my revised website and the release of my practice.

✨ And…our new kitten named BunBun (I’m not a cat person but she has my heart). Send me your best cat tips. 😺

#CNHP #obsessed #holisticwellnesscoach #kittenlove

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