I am so thankful that my “tool box” is extensive and that I am able to combine different modalities in each session that is specific to my clients needs.  ~Suzanne


“The kids and I see a holistic practitioner. She focuses on whole body wellness, provides counseling and guidance in a healthy lifestyle, helps us decide which supplements and essential oils our body needs, teaches us coping skills to deal with big emotions and overall is an amazing friend to cheer you on. This week she got a puppy which was just what Decil needed after a week of sadness. Puppy snuggles are the best! If you need this in your life check her practice out at https://legacy3.net”


"I went to see Suzanne because I felt “stuck” going on 2 years. I didn’t feel depressed and crying, but I was simply “existing”. Doing what I had to, no zest for anything, days and days of doing nothing but watching TV. This is not like me – normally I’m always busy with a house project, organizing, painting, crafts, etc.  But for 2 years I had done nothing.

After just one session with Suzanne, I felt such a sense of hope!  After 2 sessions, I could feel excitement again for some home projects I had been wanting to do for years. I could literally feel my old self coming back!!

Suzanne took her time to learn every aspect of my life to really be able to get to the root of the problem.  She focused on what I was doing right and gave me a few new things to build upon, to not overwhelm me. I could do this!

I recommend everyone I know to Suzanne.  No matter how healthy we think we are, we can all be healthier. Suzanne has a gift. I’m grateful to call her my friend, but now also my holistic practitioner!!"


I’ve been going to Suzanne for a few years now. First for therapy due to the trauma of loosing 2 parents within a year and now to do Sauna Treatments. Suzanne is patient, kind, and really listens. After every sauna session I just feel revived, refreshed and mentally better. My skin feels amazing after!! It’s my favorite day of the week! Suzanne is the best!!”


“One week ago, we had our holistic practitioner, Suzanne Cox, come to our house for my sons initial client meeting.

As a mom, I see the kids in their best times, their worst times and everything in between.

We want to make sure that our kids are getting exactly what their bodies need to support their big emotions, their physical needs and grow into their bodies as they are changing.

Suzanne did muscle testing, a zyto scan and more on him. She listened to our concerns as well as our praises about our son and came up with the best plan for him.

It’s been a week since we’ve consistently done this new routine of swallowing supplements, rubbing on specific oils in specific places for specific needs and using a customized tincture of ceebeedee and bergamot.

He has done so well with this new routine for him and we are looking forward to his follow up appt in a few weeks!”


I started seeing Suzanne several months after my husband had died.  Traditional talk therapy was not helping much and the stress of raising 3 girls on my own now became overwhelming.  I was trying to help them navigate their grief but traditional therapy seemed to not be helping them either.  I immediately saw results for myself and told her quickly that my 5 year old needed to come see her.   My 5 year old struggled the most out of all of us and was also struggling in school, thus compounding things for her.  She was not sleeping well, had a flat demeanor, pretty much wasn’t eating, and was having multiple potty accidents each day at school.  We started her on oils and she immediately improved and after just the 2nd session stopped having accidents, was again my happy child, no longer fought bedtime, and was more willing to eat (although she remains a picky eater.)  I can’t thank her enough for helping me cope so I in turn could actually help them cope.  She reminded me that I still had control in my life and power to make the choices best for our family.  I still come to her regularly, I’m a work in progress after almost 20 years in EMS, that trauma is very deep seated….but now I have the tools to face the anxiety I encounter and am happier and healthier than I can ever remember in my adult years.”


“When I first met with Suzanne for a Release Session, I had no idea what to expect. Though I'm a fan of taking care of emotional health and natural therapies, I never sought counsel from a professional and the idea of baring all was a little scary. But the moment I walked into her office, my nerves started to melt away. Both she and the environment were warm and inviting and with her guidance, it wasn't long before I found myself talking more than I ever imagined I would.
In addition to helping me focus my thoughts and zone in on truth to move forward, Suzanne Zyto-scanned my body for unspoken needs. She gave suggestions on supplements and oils to address those needs as well.
The relief and clarity after my first session opened my eyes to the healing that can come from being vulnerable and willing so I wasn't at all surprised when my body craved another session a couple of months later.
My second meeting brought more of the same healing but we were able to go deeper, faster. After I was already feeling like we had accomplished a lot, I was shocked at what happened when she had me apply essential oils as we continued to talk. Within minutes, I was in tears as I began to see my troubles from a different angle and zone in on what the actual issue was. I was blown away by the power of intentional oil application for emotional and mental clarity and healing.
Since that time together, I have been able to recognize and stop negative thought patterns before they take hold, feed my soul by implementing better routines in my days, say "no" to things that don't align with me, and tune into my body's day-to-day physical needs in a way I've never been able to.
I am so grateful to have access to Suzanne as she helps others in an area of expertise and gifting.
Every single person needs to experience a Release Session with Suzanne.
You will feel heard, seen and validated while being challenged and encouraged to grow.
It will change your life.”


“YOU were great and vulnerable and real and concise and spoke encouraging words that penetrated deeply!  I'm so thankful for your hard work behind the scenes all these years!!”


“Suzanne Keller Cox has helped SO MANY of my team members with color matching foundation, skin/acne issues, and more!! I'm so grateful for this group, your generosity, and your mad skillz, friend!!!”

“I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, essential oils and our body’s ability to overcome all sorts of obstacles, but that doesn’t mean we do not need some help occasionally. I had recently been overwhelmed with many issues- those of this crazy world, those of my family and those of some dear friends. After a particularly emotionally depleting trip to help a friend, I sought out Suzanne for my first ever directed emotional release. Upon my arrival, I noticed the atmosphere was incredibly soothing in her office, and Suzanne asked me what all had been going on. After I gave a brief synopsis, she directed me to begin by inhaling an oil and focusing on my most immediate need. As we went through the steps and corresponding oils, I was instructed to write down my concerns, thoughts, prayers, feelings and finally suggestions on how things could improve. After each step, I processed my varying emotions and in the end felt a noticeable shift inside. I felt the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit as she prayed over me asking for peace, direction and strength for me to proceed in a healthy manner. Going forth, I was able to confidently address things and work through them without being overwhelmed and emotionally drained. It was truly an emotional release that allowed me to refocus and reorient specific areas of my life. Our emotions directly affect our health and I could certainly feel a positive shift in my body, mind and soul after this experience. This is not counseling, but a directed exercise to help one to release pent up emotions in a positive manner. It is something I am very grateful to have experienced, will certainly do again, and highly recommend to others in need.”