I am so excited to open a New Space at Legacy3, a SPA.

Let’s Welcome Rachel Biggs!


If you have found your way to me then it's because you are looking for answers on your life path to the best version of you. I believe that whether we realize this or not we are on this journey our whole lives. I was raised to ask questions and search for my healing in plants and modalities that worked with the body as it is. My herbal journey began in the first decade of my life. Taking herbs and looking at food as medicine has been just a natural progression for me, taught to me by my mother. By my early teens I was fascinated with the body and how it worked, I realized that I wanted to be a Massage Therapist. I have spent 3 decades of studying herbs and plant life and 2 decades being a Massage Therapist.

More about my journey, I specialize in Clinical Therapies, helping a person trace back their habits to figure out how those habits are affecting their body structure and mind. I am fascinated with how one's habits form their bodies and how it will realign itself with intentional bodywork and small changes in attitude.

Throughout these 2 decades with Massage I've learned that combining different modalities for each person creates a life path and empowers them to find their own freedom again.

A couple of the modalities that I specialize in, are Trigger Point Therapy by David Kent and SMART(Swedish Manuel Active Restructuring Techniques). By using postural analysis to find issues and trigger point pain referral patterns, this will allow a way to trace back one's pain to the source or many sources of chronic pain patterns. Then with a series of massages and added stretches and tutorials, showing how to use TP therapy balls, each client will be able to facilitate their healing at their own speed.

I offer Prenatal Massage as well, this promotes relaxation, soothes nerves and relieves strained back and leg muscles. It is especially beneficial in the second and third trimester when extra weight in the belly puts a strain on your back. With the use of a pregnancy pillow or sideline massage the client is able to relax into the massage, I use deep tissue and neuromuscular therapy movements to alleviate muscle pain and help the body to adjust to the many changes within pregnancy.

I like to add to these modalities, essential oils from Young Living when needed. I have used Young Living oils within my own personal life and in my practice to assist breakthroughs. We are all stuck in patterns that combine physical, emotional and spiritual struggles. A lot of us are stuck in our minds and completely unaware of our bodies' needs or even where our pain lies. With the use of YL oils in the massage they help to bridge the gaps between these areas of our lives and create a whole body experience that keeps working even after you leave the massage table.

I am also a CranioSacral Therapist using the Upledger method. With this modality you use a gentle 5 grams pressure, evaluating and enhancing the function of the psychological body systems called the craniosacral system. This system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and the spinal cord. By releasing restrictions within the system it improves the central nervous system, helps with digestive issues, musculoskeletal respiratory, circulatory and even Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety.

My life path has led me here. On my journey, I have been blessed to learn how to tap into my intuitive self, to stop, listen and allow each person's body to tell me what it needs.

50min massage ~ 80.00

75 min massage ~ 120.00

105 min massage ~168.00

To Book appointments please contact Rachel directly at 512-573-9550
