πŸ“š Review + 🍷 pairing =

πŸ“š Review + 🍷 pairing =

Bunny (BunBun)🐱 gives this book a πŸ‘ it’s a sweet story of two hero’s in my book (man and cat) @a_streetcat_named_bob @streetcatbob_ was a good read and cat lovers you will want to read this.

🍷 pairing should be light a bubbly so I put it with 14K Bubbly White πŸ₯‚ these are especially great because they are cans. a blend of 60% Sauvignon Blanc, 40% Chardonnay! I get lots of citrus and peach with zingy, bright and mouth-watering flavor that is an ideal crisp companion to summer.


Cheers 🍾

#scoutandcellarindependentconsultant #booknerd #bookclubbook #bookreview #winepairing #cleancraftedwine

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