#3 CrossFit 💪

#3 CrossFit in the books and it feels so good (actually, so painful 🤣)… step into something that scares you because that’s how we grow. I am constantly pushing myself for growth so I can ShowUp for the people in my life and to make me a better leader in my wellness business. In 2005 I had an accident that should have paralyzed me, in 2007 I did my first Triathlon after only 5 weeks of training (I had no clue what I was doing), since then I have done up to Half Ironman and a lot of Marathons. This is a big part of my lifestyle and wellness journey. ShowUp today to be better tomorrow. Never stop pushing yourself for growth. Never let being scared hold you back.

@crossfit3strands #enduranceathlete #CNHP #holisticwellnesscoach #40somethingfitness #doitscared

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