I’m always sad when I hear statements like, “When I use my oils, they don't work.” My first thought is where did you get them? Are you using watered down adulterated essential oils? Check out this awesome comparison below.👇🏼


I was talking to a friend who mentioned they weren’t getting their desired results with the peppermint and lavender essential oils they were using. She said sees that I use oils for everything & can’t understand my passion. When I asked where she gets her oils, she told me from Amazon or a local retailer. After I explained a bit about distillation she understood why I unequivocally use Young Living.

YL has a very high standard & Seed to Seal promise that guarantees we get a first distillation oil every time. Let's talk about it from the perspective of coffee.

We all understand coffee, right? The coffee in the top left is the first pot of coffee brewed this morning with fresh ground beans. That's the first "distillation".

I brewed a second cup of coffee with the same grounds as before. Second distillation. Make sense?

I did this four times using the same coffee grounds. You can see the difference in strength with each cup!

This is what you're buying off the shelf at Target, Walmart, TJ Maxx, Whole Foods or any other big box retailer--4th distillation (likely higher), adding synthetic materials to stretch the oil, putting them on the shelves and calling their dirty water, "essential oils".

That's why they don't work for you. If Starbucks was brewing and serving up your coffee this way, you'd find a better option! When it comes to something I am using for wellness, I won't settle for anything less than top quality.

Many off brand essential oils are made using high heat, high pressure with little regulation on what's inside. Some cheaper distilleries fill their fireboxes with old tires and even garbage to heat and extract their plants! Say what?? Not to mention the majority of essential oils are created in a lab and are synthetic and actually harmful to us.

Quality matters and you deserve the highest quality available.

~ Written by Rhonda Favano

#CNHP #seedtoseal #knowthesource #medicinalplants

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