What’s in your smoothie?

🍓🫐🥬 What’s in your smoothie?

What you put in your smoothie matters.

🤓 Tips…

✨ know the ingredients to your protein powder source (it can be scary).

✨ greens and berries are key for antioxidants, inflammation, healing.

✨ bananas and spinach are considered “damp” ingredients so don’t use them daily. Rotate.

✨ add herbal tinctures to help with detoxing the body.

✨ you need more complex minerals than you know.

✨ organic fruits and veg do matter.

✨ low fat, low sugar, fake sugar, artificial coloring, are all a NO 🙅‍♀️

It’s the Season for smoothies 💪.

#CNHP #holisticwellnesscoach #smoothiesseason #pureproteincomplete #herbaltinctures #enduranceathlete

Suzanne CoxComment