New Years, Clean Crafted Wine, and a Discount!!!

Happy New Years Eve!!!!! Let’s talk Wine 🍷

For the first time EVER, my brand partner, Scout & Cellar, launched a one day promotion. Now is the time to try clean wine for the first time or to load up on your faves if you have already discovered this incredible fermented drink.

Today only (12/31) , you can enjoy 20% off 12+ bottles and 10% off 6+ bottles. That's double the normal bulk discount! Plus free shipping always on orders over $100. (Click on link Below and you can read more in my Clean Crafted Wine tab).

I hope sharing this serves you well! After all, friends don't let friends drink dirty.

You are better off NOT consuming alcohol if you aren't willing to invest in clean, fermented wine.

That's why My Wellness Business partnered with Scout & Cellar's family of independent consultants. We understand the want to drink good wine with friends and family. It's our job to provide a resource to you that does not contain added sugars and chemicals!

Happy New Year, my dear friends. 


The Savvy Makeup Artist 💋

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