New Year to Wellness 2019

Class starts Tonight (8pm CST, public class on my Facebook page)! Are you ready?

A simple google search will tell you the 92% of people don’t achieve their goals. There is a multitude of reasons for quitting before you reach the finish line.  They ALL ultimately fall under two insecurities:


Fear is a powerful thing. It creeps into everything you do: every opportunity, every decision, every responsibility. It can be a driving force or a crippling one. Sometimes it feels easier to stay comfortable exactly where you are rather than discover what is on the other side of the finish line. Fear is not something you overcome or learn how to remove altogether. Instead, recognize your excuses as FEAR. 

Next time you find yourself "falling off the wagon," think about why you made the choice to compromise and give up on yourself. Was fear a part of it?


For those that resonate with this insecurity, it is likely that this feeling of "being unworthy" stems from a time in your past when you might have been told that you didn’t deserve something, or you may have had your heart set on something and experienced disappointment when you didn't get it. Who hasn't felt disappointment in this way before?

These experiences are important for growth in your life; however, If you are not in tune with your thoughts and you become wrapped up in your own EGO when expectations are not met, it is easy to feel like you aren't deserving or worthy of things you THINK you want in life. Telling yourself you are unworthy and undeserving will only bring more pain and suffering.

"So what can I do?"

Find out tonight when we will share some tips to help you succeed with your 2019 health goals.


What are your 2019 goals?

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