Get uncomfortable
In my careers I have spoken and coached a lot of women and here are some thoughts for you to think through for 2019...
“You have a can either repeat or evolve.” @melrobbinslive #mindsetreset
If you are complaining about, how much you hate your job, how unhealthy you are, sick all the time, not happy or in a abusive relationship, having anxiety before seeing a “friend” list could really go on but we will stop there, you get my point. You are either, broken enough to make a change, take a leap, or you are too comfortable and will never change. Stop making the excuse that you are staying in an abusive marriage for your children, stop making the excuse to stay in a job you hate because the money is comfortable, stop being around toxic people because your too scared to get out of those relationships, stop being sick all the time and not empowering yourself to do something about it.
You and you alone are the only one that can change and make the decision to change. If I can give you any advice, get uncomfortable in 2019, you can’t grow until you are so desperate you have to jump.
I believe in YOU!!!
The Savvy Makeup Artist
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