Zyto Balance Scan

✨ My oil lineup after my Zyto Balance Scan today (check it out in my stories)…Remember so much of our health problems are from emotional roots.

✨ Forgiveness EO is a blend of oils that supports the ability to forgive yourself and others while letting go of negative emotions, an important part of personal growth.

✨ Australian Kuranya EO has Air Purifying Properties and Respiratory Support.

✨ Awaken EO is a blend of 5 blends (interesting it has Forgiveness EO in it too).

Unforgiveness is one of the most common roots of physical, mental, and spiritual disease. Unforgiveness does not make the offending party sick. It makes us sick. Forgiveness is for our own benefit.

✨ Today I forgive those who have hurt me, myself, and the craziness of the last few years. I open my arms and heart for healing. We have to let go and move forward.

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