It’s Who I Am ✨

✨ I will never forget listening to #girlwashyourfacebook by @msrachelhollis while running (a few years ago) and hearing this quote for the first time.

“I cannot continue to live as half of myself simply because it’s hard for others to handle all of me.”

It literally made me stop running and think. “Wow, this is what I have been doing my whole life, making myself smaller, putting myself in a make others feel more comfortable”.

I have always been told...

👉 “You’re too bossy”

👉 “You’re too loud”

👉 “You’re too passionate”

👉 “You’re too intense”

👉 “You’re too loyal”

👉 “You’re too honest”

My list is long... and guess what? I am ALL of those things, that is who I was born to be, and I won’t apologize anymore for being a “bigger than life”, “full of life”, “passionate”, person. It’s Who I Am ✨

#freedomfighter #wellnesswarrior #childofgod #beyou #40something

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