Choose to be Optimistic

✌️ I love when people say that I am naive or not educated because of my Optimistic personality, in fact it’s just the opposite. For starters I do believe I was born as a natural optimist but it’s all very much a lifestyle practice and here is why...

✨ Optimism helps people cope with disease and recover from surgery.

✨ We are 3x less likely to develop hypertension and heat disease.

✨ We develop fewer viral infections 🤯

✨ We have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

✨ We have less levels of inflammatory markers.

👉 Just to name a few from a study compiled by Harvard Health Pub.

🤓 Did you know pessimists have twice as many visits to the doctor and have twice as many infectious diseases? 🤯

🙋‍♀️ What are you going to choose? It’s a choice and sometimes it takes practice and mindset shift. What if we taught this to more people and created a ripple of optimism in the world today? 🤔

❤️ Shoutout to @lindsaytuttlenp I love my shirt “Power to the People” ✌️


#mondaymotivation #powertothepeople #wellnesswarriorforwomen #studentofnaturopathicmedicine

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