Goodbye 2020, I am thankful for your lessons.
✨ In my week of digging deep, being Coached, goal setting, and reflecting, this is what I will say about 2020.
✨ I don’t feel ready for it to be over bc it does not feel like I got everything I wanted to get accomplished.
✨ It’s a year that made me dig deeper in my faith, as a mom, wife, daughter, granddaughter, friend, leader, my health, my stance on a holistic lifestyle. The stillness made me dig deeper.
✨ All the emotions happened, but in the stillness I practiced on a deeper level of what I preach (healing).
✨ I found that I did care about my Freedom of Speech and Politics (this one shocked me, to actually dig into what I really believed in on a political view and what I value).
✨ That my plans are not always Gods plans and He is way ahead of me.
✨ Because of the stillness I was able to really decide and dig into what I want in this holistic lifestyle and business and started my College path to becoming a Naturopath.
✨ More quality time with my favorite people.
✨ Seeing the people that needed to be taken out of my life.
✨ Seeing others healing in the path of holistic health.
So, as I close this year. Thank you 2020 for the lesson of pivot, gratitude, and reflection. I appreciate all you taught me this year.
"Unused creativity is not benign. It metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgment, sorrow, shame." - Brene Brown.
#gratitudepractice #goalsetting2021 #becoachable #studentofnaturopathicmedicine #roar2021