✨New Year challenges ✨

✨OMGeeee, I am so excited to share these New Year challenges with you. 🥳.

Going into the new year I am seeing the need to flood our bodies with antioxidants (on a cellular level) and flush out toxins stored in fat cells 🤯. Yep...and I have both challenge opportunities happening in January. 🤩

👉 No membership required

👉 1 order with me for products

👉 FB community groups for education and support and accountability.

👉 Orders need to go in by end of month.

🙋‍♀️ I love attainable, easy, no fad, New Years challenges that work. And help YOU get healthier. We are only as good for others as we are to ourselves.

#newyearschallenge2021 #holisticwellnesscoach #petrochemicalchallenge #antioxidants #roar2021

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