Recognizing Emotional Triggers Class, Tonight.
Aroma and Sense of Smell
Did YOU know that our brain is wired differently for the five senses? We see, hear, taste, and touch based upon connections to the FRONTAL LOBE of the brain (the “thinking” or rational part). However, the sense of smell is connected to the LIMBIC SYSTEM – the EMOTIONAL center.
How does the Limbic System work?
It records ALL experiences of the body and stores them. Even though we may forget unpleasant experiences on a conscious level, our Limbic System does not forget them.
When we INHALE an essential oil or place it on the roof of the mouth – directly under the cerebrum – the molecules can trigger an instantaneous emotional response in the body. Because therapeutic-grade essential oils are balancing to the body, this can create quite an amazing shift. However, when there is change, it is often not “comfortable”.
We do not necessarily “enjoy” facing emotionally charged issues. Again, use the oils can support the body in coming to BALANCE on all levels. When balance is achieved, illness and disease dissipate, and a more joyful life experience is the result.
Are you willing to step out of the comfort zone and have the potential of greater joy in every aspect of your life?
Tonight this in person Class is going to be powerful. Taught by my mom Donna Dugone. In my home so please leave a comment if you need address.
Xoxo 💋
The Savvy Makeup Artist