The superwoman complex

The superwoman complex is not sexy in the long run.

  I grew up in the church as my mom’s sidekick (only child), working in ladies ministry. I have spoken to women around the US, talking about image and self care as an Image Consultant and Makeup Artist. One of the biggest things I believe is this: Women, if we are not taking care of ourselves first (that includes saying the word “no” to every play date and event), we will have nothing left to give to our people. If we do not take care of us, we are not being our fullest selves, for the most loved people in our lives. It’s always been so easy for me to speak to hundreds of other women about this message, yet so hard at times to put into practice. It was not until my mom had contracted cancer, and the doctor looked at her and said “you have to learn the word “no” in life”. Women, self care is needed so that we are able to be our fullest self, the one God created us to be, for our people. Say “no” to something on your schedule today and go take a bubble bath, enjoy a book, or gasp...take a nap.


The Savvy Makeup Artist  

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