Diagnosis vs Root Cause

Diagnosis vs Root Cause

(Questions that should be asked)…

👉 Constipation

Are you drinking enough water and getting fiber?

Emotional Root - What areas in life are you feeling stuck?

🤓Patients with chronic constipation have higher rates of depression and anxiety.

👉Knee Pain

Has there been an injury? Are you over weight? Are the surrounding muscles tight and inflamed?

Emotional Root - Stubborn ego and pride, the inability to bend, fear, a person that won’t give in.

🤓Left side linked to Future, Right side linked to the past (letting go).


Optimal Calcium and Vitamin D levels (Sun exposure).

Do you do weight bearing exercise?

Emotional Root - Depression and Anxiety are linked to weaker bones (hello, link to Sun exposure).

🤓Stress hormones linked cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.


Vitamin D levels? Are you moving and stretching regularly? Hydration and Anti-inflammatory diet?

Emotional Root - Chronic childhood stress and conflict with parents (each new stressor causes the neuroendocrine system to get weaker).

🤓Fibromyalgia is a form of copper toxicity (lack of zinc).

#holisticpractitioner #rootcause

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