Why Exercise?

Come take a walk with me and let’s talk the importance of Exercise and intentional movement. One of the key Health Foundations I help my Clients with.

- But why?…it improves cardiovascular function, circulation, and oxygenation of the body. It detoxifies your body via sweat, increases lymphatic movement, and stimulates bowel movement. It releases endorphins to improve mood and reduce pain. Increases metabolic activity, which improves blood sugar levels and reduces stored fat (high blood sugar is linked to increased risk of cancers). 🙋‍♀️ Any connection to anything here?

- Exercise with sunlight magnifies these benefits (exercise outside!)

- Where do you start? Walking (Goal 30mins or 2miles a day).

🤓Research has shown that walking helps with sleep disorders, reduces risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, reduces fibroids, helps with pain, reduces stress, helps with obesity, improves the immune system, increases life span.

🙋‍♀️Why are we not teaching that exercise is absolutely one of the most crucial things to implement for health? It’s Free! Walk out your door for 30 minutes! It does not have to be difficult, just start.

👉Check out my walk in Yellowstone over on Insta https://www.instagram.com/suzannekcox/profilecard/?igsh=N2oycDkxdmVndHE4

👉Read more of how I can help you as a Client https://mindful.health/health-foundations-building-the-core-to-your-wellbeing/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaa2uV9Ojq3GQkyGJrieYlMd_oAmZMLF7kP29NNYy9z9fgFBEF7zSMxbJwE_aem_GToGc7d4IJgLdoQYklu1sw

#traditionalnaturopath #healthfoundations #healthcoach #getaccountability #exercise #walkingbenefits

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