Make a Shift
✨9 years ago was my breaking point into looking outside the box. These are two memories that popped up…
“I had phobia dreams all night about my broken foot...everything that is a nightmare happened. Ugh! #6weeks #brokenfoot.”
“One week in school and Athletic locker rooms and of course my child has been confirmed with a Staph Infection :( poor kid! My house is bleached, hands scrubbed raw, and she is isolated in her room :( happy Labor Day weekend!”
Fast forward 👉 Bleach has not been in my house since (that’s 9 years with Thieves Household Cleaner). 🙏 So thankful that I searched, asked questions, and walked outside the line.
🙋♀️Are you ready to make the shift in your household? I have 10% off for you! Best decision ever and I am here to help you!
👉 Quick Shopping Link here
👉 Kit Details here
#makeashift #saynotobleach #freeshipping #9years #certifiedholisitchealthpractitioner #legacy3