Super Tired?

🙋‍♀️ Afternoon Slump?

Grab your Super B (and I would add Multigreens too)…

✨ Super B is a B complex supplement that is great for maintaining healthy energy levels, supporting mood and cardiovascular and cognitive function. Our current lifestyles often leave our adrenal system (our fight or flight response) on overdrive, and B vitamins are a great way to support that system! 👉

✨ MultiGreens is your daily salad in a bottle - spirulina, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, eleuthero, Pacific kelp, and more. This nutrient-dense supplement combines invigorating greens and essential oils to support overall health, energy levels and general well-being. It features a purifying essential oil blend that includes the powerhouse essential oil Melissa. 👉

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