7 weeks post car wreck

🚗 7 weeks post car wreck, update…

(For those asking) 🫶

👉We still don’t have our new vehicle (this is the biggest question everybody wants to know). The new date is Oct 6. And yes, we are paying for a rental daily 🤬.

👉I am down to 2 Chiro appointments a week (from 3) and 1 raindrop massage every other week (from weekly). Let’s call this improvement! @saluschiros @roja0117 best team for body work, ever!

👉Lupus (autoimmune) flare ups have calmed down with less body work and decrease in pain (inflammation). Huge praise 🙌

👉I still have chronic pain (but manageable). Not sure how people don’t use plants for pain, inflammation, and healing.

👉I have continued to run all 7 weeks (a little crazy) but had to stop speed work (due to my lungs and ribs, thank you seatbelt), long distance, and change marathon plans 😭.

👉And I still tend to have anxiety and panic moments while in a vehicle, thanks to more plant love 🫶 it’s getting better.

😱Whew, that’s a lot! Not what I had planned, no idea this would still be a conversation 7 weeks later, ✨but daily reminding myself to find gratitude that it was not worse.

🙏 You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance. Psalm 65:11.

#wineryweekend #postcarwreck #holistichealing #chiropractor #raindropmassage #holisticpractitioner #findgratitude

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