5 Tips for Moms

✨ Mamas this is for you!

🖐 5 Things I wish somebody told me as a young mom…

1. I did not have to be induced at a week late from due date (for the Drs convenience and vaca plans).

2. I did not have to rush and get all the shots done while at the hospital (asking exhausted and overwhelmed parents to make choices like that is crazy and to make you feel bad if you disagree).

3. Fevers are not bad (up to 104, yep!)

“fever stimulates the immune system to help the body mount an effective response against infection and disease”.

4. Co-sleeping will not ruin your baby or child. Best decision ever!

5. There are natural alternatives to over medicating for every symptom your child has , and for every symptom there is a bigger root problem (don’t cover it up, figure it out).

👉 OK, mammas now it’s your turn. What do you know now that you wish somebody shared with you? 🗣

#momlife #holisticmomma #momofagrownup #holisticpractitioner #sharebcicare #legacy3 #momtips101

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