Friday “Pop” Quiz Question...
✨ Educating women is what I do, it’s my passion, and why I continue to grow and educate myself. So thankful for my voice and who wants to listen.
🤓 Friday “Pop” Quiz Question...
Which is NOT a true statement?
A. Fibrocystic breast changes are often triggered by dietary choices such as excess coffee, sugar, alcohol, soda, and cheese and are improved with hot and cold compresses, iodine, vitamin A, and vitamin E.
B. A warning sign of endometrial cancer is post menopausal uterine bleeding.
C. Menopause is the abnormal sudden cessation of the menstrual cycle which always results in symptoms of hot flashes, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, sweating, depression, and irritability.
D. Endometriosis is the abnormal condition of endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus.
🙋♀️ And GO...
#popquizfriday #wellnesswarriorforwomen #thesavvymakeupartist #studentofnaturopathicmedicine #speakup