Oils of Ancient Scripture: Myrrh EO

🎚 Oils of Ancient Scripture: Myrrh EO

🙏 At the Crucifixion, Jesus was offered wine mixed with Myrrh (Mark 15:23)...this oil was added to wine to keep it from vinegarizing, but made it very bitter. Wine was offered as a narcotic to deaden pain, but Jesus refused it (it is believed that he did so in order to embrace the full weight of His sacrifice of Love).

🧐Myrrh is referred to more than any other aromatic oil in the Bible, many times referred to as "stacte". It was one of the ingredients of the Holy Oil recipe God gave to Moses In Matthew, when it was presented to Jesus at His birth, it is referred to as "smurna".

🤓 The ORAC scale is a lab test that quantifies the "total anti-oxidant capacities" of food. The ORAC value of a carrot is 200, blueberries are 4,669...MYRRH is 379,800 🤯.

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