Health Care Perspective


Yep, not because my company gives free crap but because they value us. Here is my breakdown.

✨ Health care (2 words) =

$300 this month for our household holistic supplements (that actually work), plus some skincare and makeup (clean ingredients), delivered to my door, trusted products that I have been using 7 years that work, and my whole household benefits.

✨ Sick-care =

$300 for a 5 minute phone call from a Dr that ended up getting me NO help. This was when I had my breast/lymphatic infection and needed a screening. I’m not joking or exaggerating on this. It was only because of me, my research, that I ended up spending another $300 outside of this phone call that I got the screening I wanted.

🤔 I think I choose Health Care for my whole family for $300 Alex plus my FREE items for being a loyal customer. Thank you!

✨ Power to our Immune Systems working 💪.

🤓 Side note...I made it past 4 weeks of client studies and in my live round only 2 points from a perfect score. Yay!!! So thankful for what I do, my clients, and this path I have been put on.

#studentofnaturopathicmedicine #holisticwellnesscoach #myimmunesystemworks #wellnessmonday #allthecolorsoftherainbow #freeproducts

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