Eat Real Food

Who loves to snack? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

I love snack type meals (this was dinner last night). We have to learn to eat real food. We have to learn to eat foods that are not man made, diet, low fat, 0 calorie sugars (hello toxic chemicals).

It’s simple. Eating real food is simple and delish.

✨ This bowl has =

Whole Greek Yogurt (Plain)

Organic berries (3 types)


Cinnamon powder

Orange Vitality Oil

Cocoa nibs

(All organic/non gmo, fruit washed with thieves).

I’m obsessed!

πŸ‘‰Gut Health Class Tonight at 7pm CST on Zoom

Pottery by @oil.junkie #eatrealfood #holisticwellnesscoach #changeyourtrajectory

Suzanne Cox1 Comment