Healing from “fight or flight” response and trauma.

✨ October 24th was my last intentional run (4 months ago). I woke up and knew I did not feel great, but I pushed and got a run in (that’s what endurance athletes do). I did not realize how sick I was at that point, and that I was entering a season of fighting for my life (and not knowing how long, or what my outcome would be).

💜 Fast forward to today...I woke up finally to my mind, body, and soul ready to run again. You don’t realize how much trauma and the aftermath of a season of “fight or flight” response your body has been in, until the fog starts to lift. And in that moment it’s a decision on how you respond.

🙏 Sister, give yourself grace to heal emotionally but also make sure your skin meets the sunshine.

🎧 Fun fact...one of the highest, healing, frequency songs to listen to is “Hallelujah”. Go turn it up loud.

💎 This is my oil lineup today for releasing the trauma. I can say without any doubt that without oils and holistic wellness, I would not be saying “I ran today” “I am healthy today” “I am healing body, mind, and soul, Today.”

Thank you mom @donna_dugone 💜

xoxo 😘

#holstichealing #studentofnaturopathicmedicine #whyiloveyl #aromafreedomcertified #aromafreedomtechnique #waymaker #wellnesswarriorforwomen

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