Aroma Freedom Technique for PTSD
This morning I apply Release and Forgiveness EOs as I process my emotions✨.
I will never forget the words from our attorney, “You have no case because you did not die or get a tumor.”
👉 I called for weeks saying something was not right and he never did an exam.
👉 I ended up in the ER and it still was not caught and he never came to check on me.
👉 I ended in 2 emergency surgeries (a day apart from each other). And finally after the second one we had answers.
👉 Hospital stay for a week.
👉 Oh, did I mention my OB never showed his face and I was assigned a Dr from a totally different practice? He knew he screwed up and it was serious.
🤔 Why am I posting this? Anything that has “no liability” clause from before you even get the other way. Because even if you don’t die from it, and you have huge ramifications and your children end up with something. YOU CaNT DO Anything!!! Oh and this clause even means if you did die it doesn’t matter. I can’t believe this does not throw up more of a red flag ❌ the answer is “NO” body, my decision. I was never guilted into a flu shot and here I am. I won’t be guilted into this ❌.
This is not up for conversation, it was for me to journal out for healing of my PTSD.
Xoxo 💜
#aromafreedomtechnique #aftcertified #holistichealing #naturopathicstudent #roar2021 #freedomfighter