Wellness Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deal 2020

This week I have been reviewing client forms that other Naturopaths use in their practice and creating my own. 🙋‍♀️ Do you know what my number 1 question is when a client gives a list of ailments?...

Have you “Ditched and Switched” the toxins out of your household and hygiene products?

🤔 So with that...have you? If your answer is “no” now is the time (if there ever was a key time to do this for your health and your household, it’s now).

AND I have a Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deal for you!! 🥳 . When you purchase any of the Young Living Starter Kits through me Not only will you receive awesome products but you will also receive...

🎁$25 Amazon gift card 🤯

🎁Free Shipping

🎁Welcome package

🎁educational resources

🎁Me + our Wellness Community

👉 Leave me a comment or send me a private message and I will help you get started with a consultation to match you with the best deal.


#holisticwellnesscoach #naturopathystudent #toxinfreelife #blackfriday2020 #breatheeasy

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