My mamas heart

To all my mamas out there who have a child in college and/or going. This is what nobody ever tells us as parents:

It’s hard to raise a child, but it is way harder to raise that child and then let them go. 

I will take the 2 year old phase over and over again over this. Did you hear me, mama?Embrace that two year old and all the tantrums, and the fights of not wanting to put on clothes, or to ever take off those favorite ruby slippers (oh, haha, that was my kid). 

To raise a little person, to pour your life’s blood sweat and tears into this little human, and then one day it’s time for them to leave our house, and if you are like us with only one child, that is a third of your family that has just left. That’s a big hole and nobody prepares you for the adjustment. What’s next in life? What does life look like without school projects and swim meets? It’s so quiet in the house. Oh well, hello there husband! Date your spouse way before this happens. Just warning you, cultivate a life with your loved one. 

“THIS IS NOT REJECTION OF ME!” Something I catch myself repeating all the time. “This is who you raised!” This independent, brave, godly, adventurous woman. This is who you formed (much with God and my husbands’s help). But her independence is not rejection of you, it’s her being who you want her to be and who you are so proud of. Chin up mama, this is a good thing. 

Advice. Raise your children to be strong and resilient, like the best cup of coffee you can imagine. Don’t get your feelings hurt or feel rejected when they do exactly that. 

And now mama, it’s your turn to spread your wings and soar. You did one of the hardest jobs you could ever imagine, and you succeeded. Now, you do you. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. 

Question is...what is that? 


From one mama to another. 

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