CLASS: Stress, Sleep & Sadness

 "You are not stuck because you can't, you are stuck because you won't." #theshackmovie


👩‍💻If you are local to me (Leander, Tx) I will be sharing my story on how I struggled with all these things for decades up until 5 years ago 👏...


🌸We all know that stress, sleep, and sadness are three words that do not pair well together. Too much stress usually equals too little sleep, which in turn leaves us more tired, more cranky, and more stressed. So how do we stop the vicious cycle?


📆 Join me on Monday at 7pm at my house, to learn how we can stay more calm and relaxed during the day and enjoy better sleep at night to live a happier life.


xoxo 💋 

The Savvy Makeup Artist  


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