Wine Wednesday 4/3 🍷

 🍷 Wine Wednesday!🍷

Bubble lovers everywhere rejoice!

From Vineyards that have NEVER seen pesticides. In Chile. And all the people said #amen! 👏 Yes, that’s why I @scoutandcellar #cleancraftedwine

We’ve sold through ONE THOUSAND BOTTLES in two hours y’all. Grab it while you can!

Two Releases Today!

2017 Nortino Sparkling Pinot Noir ($36)

2018 Etnico Sauvignon Blanc ($24)

If you want wine help, to talk wine, or host a tasteing, let’s talk!!!  

Xoxo 💋

The Savvy Makeup Artist  


#thesavvymakeupartist #holisticwellnesscoach #iwinetoo #bossbabe #winewednesday #sparklingpinotnoir

Suzanne CoxComment