Autoimmune Warrior

I try to always be Xena Princess Warrior but in reality I am an Autoimmune Warrior. They say not to post imperfect pictures, they say don’t show truth or vulnerability, I need to see my truth. It’s called autoimmune diseases. Most of the time you would not even know this is my truth by looking at me (that my insides are always firing pain, I’m always cold, inflammation is my life) but on the days I have skin flare ups and hide in my house, that’s where my truth is. This is my story, I am not sharing this for sympathy, but this explains to you why I am so adamant about Wellness and why I am so passionate about sharing my Wellness Journey and lifestyle. It’s not an option for me!

#autoimmunewarrior #vulnerabilityisstrength #wellnessadvocate #wellnesscoach #thesavvymakeupartist 

Xoxo 💋 

The Savvy Makeup Artist  


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