Let’s talk skin!!!

Let’s talk skin!!! As a licensed cosmetologist and Professional Makeup Artist, what we put on our skin is so important. I’m getting ready to get nerdy with you and talk some fun facts.

🤓 The integumentary system contains the largest organ of the body, our skin. It takes only 26 seconds for what we put on our skin to absorb into our bloodstream and begin circulating through our body. Think about how many chemicals and toxins we are exposed to each day between our deodorant, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, and lotions to name a few. We need to minimize these exposures and replace our chemical laden products we expose ourselves to. With those fun facts, I think I will go roll my skin with some love 🥰 #selfcare #toxinfreebeauty #dalmationstone #gemstonefacialroller #thesavvymakeupartist #letstalkskin

xoxo 💋 

The Savvy Makeup Artist  

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