Let’s talk hormones 👠

Something so powerful is the freedom to talk about wellness and hormones. I have heard testimonies that are 🤯 including my own stories. This is one oil that has been a game changer for me the last 4.5 years in empowering myself and supporting my hormones. 👠

💋Progesterone is a hormone in the body that impacts your libido. You NEED progesterone to have a libido.

💋Progessence Plus serum, also referred to as PP or P+, contains USP-grade progesterone (from wild yam extract) and was developed by a doctor who specializes in women's health. It is formulated specifically for women, and ideal for women over 30 that want to feel more relaxed and balanced.

Girlfriend, I am here to talk! 💋


The Savvy Makeup Artist  

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 #thesavvymakeupartist #wellnesscoach #letstalkhormones #toxinfreeliving #fearlessdreamer #becourageous

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