Not a Tell All

I remember being such a vulnerable teen and not knowing that the supermodel on the front of a magazine cover had been so airbrushed that you would not recognize her if you passed her on the street, or how the Miss USA Contestants are so insecure that the makeup artists are told not to outshine them.  How do I know these things? Because I was the artist behind the scenes doing all of these tricks.  It was not until I was in deep into the makeup-artist scene and raising my own daughter that I finally looked up from this entrenching and toxic world I had worked so hard to get into, and realized I was raising a child, a daughter, my daughter, to believe it was ok to feel ugly and insecure, and that the supermodels we see on the magazine covers really are that perfect.

As my three year old walked around the house with a sash, saying “Hi, my name is…and I am Miss USA!” I found myself explaining to her at the ages of three and four that what she was seeing with her eyes was not reality.


The Savvy Makeup Artist 💋 

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