Chlorine Detox

“According to studies the most striking results came from the part of the research that looked at markers for cancer. After 40 minutes of swimming, the study found, people showed a large rise in markers of DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Concentrations of four of the most common byproducts were seven times higher after people swam.”

🤓 So what can we do to minimize these effects:

1. Try taking a shower before getting in the pool or rinse with the hose. This minimizes the amount of chlorine your skin absorbs.

2. Always take a shower after swimming in chlorine. Once in the shower I recommend using a good quality shampoo, one which has as few chemicals as possible.

3.Using a pure body lotion Then drop one to two drops of Purification Blend Young Living Essential Oil into the lotion and then apply the lotion with oil drops onto your legs, torso, arms and neck adding more lotion and oil as needed. 👉the oil/lotion you have already applied will absorb into your system within 20 minutes and disperse through the blood stream. It will then begin to detoxify the chlorine, first in your blood and then throughout the cells of your body.

🤯 European scientists have found that geranium essential oil works as a natural chelator, bonding to metallics and chemicals and carrying them out of the body.

👉Another item I make and use.. is Vit C AFTER SWIM CHLORINE NEUTRALIZING SPRAY (recipe coming soon).

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#summersafe #chlorinedetox #holisticpractitioner #legacy3

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