That word is “diet”

Can we talk the big  “D” word, for a fat minute (no pun intended)?  This is a huge pet peeve of mine and a big topic in healing emotions and triggers (especially in women and teens). Oh, that word is “diet”.

🧐 Let’s see if you fall into any of these categories:

1. Diet plans where you buy a lot of man-made foods, spend a lot of money, lose a lot of weight, and don’t learn how to keep the weight off with normal food.

2. Diet plans where you are “allowed” junk food as points (diet sodas, low sugar/no sugar crap filled with fake sugar or man made sugars, low fat/no fat, substitute ingredients that are manmade.)

3. You are always saying “I’m on a diet”

4. Hair falling out, hormones messed up, emotional rollercoaster.

5. Weigh-ins (constantly on a scale).

6. Yo-yo all the time, gain weight, “diet”, lose weight, not diet. Did you know that cancer cells and autoimmune diseases love this kind of person?

7. Diets that stress you out because you’re so limited, so much prep/weighing, rules, counting. Did you know that this actually creates cortisol levels to rise so that you hold on to fat? All because you’re overwhelmed or stressed over this diet you chose.

8. Always trying to get back down to that high school or “perfect” weight. Friend, your metabolism and hormones are not the same!!!

Ok, I hope you get my point here…

💪 Now, what can you do?

1. Throw out the scale (your daughter is watching you).

2. Shift your mindset (this is a lifestyle not a diet)

3. Let’s get to the emotional root of your cravings (break the cycle). What are you so afraid of?

4. Drink more water (minimum of half your body weight in ounces of clean water)

5. Let’s work on hormones and thyroid to help your metabolism move (it changes with stress and age).

6. Let’s work on an eating plan, 80/20. (This is maintainable).

7. Let’s work on stress levels and isupplements that help stress, so you don’t hold on to stubborn fat.

8. And…move your body, sweat, 30mins 5x a week and detox baths.

😍 I hope that this breaks somebody Free today from the slavery of diets. I am very passionate about this subject and helping you on this journey of Wellness.

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