The Perfect Mason Jar Salad
🫙🥗 How to Make The Perfect Mason Jar Salad…
✨Dressing into the bottom of the jar
(Simple recipe take Olive or Avocado Oil and mix with Balsamic and spices).
✨Add items that will respond well to marinating in the dressing (your veg, not lettuce).
✨Add your protein (boiled eggs, grilled chicken, beans).
✨Add grains (if desire, I did not).
✨Add remaining ingredients (cheese, nuts, avocado)
✨Add greens (lettuce at the top, pack it tight and it will last several days).
👉Tips…wettest ingredients at the bottom, pack lettuce down at the top, pack jar tight and it will stay fresher longer. Pour the salad into a bowl to eat. Store these salads upright in the fridge.
🫶They’re so fun to make and great for taking on the go. Any salad can be prepped in a mason jar.
#masonjarsalad #newtome #onthegofood #healthyfoundations #holisticpractitioner