Back to School

🍏Even though my daughter is no longer in school, I am very passionate about this subject “Back To School” with a strong immune system 💪. I want to set all the parents and teachers up for a healthy school year. As I am building this series, what do you want to know (learn)?

✨Immune Support

✨PTSD Support

✨Test Anxiety

✨Classroom Health

✨Focus Health

7 years ago I wrote this about our journey with my daughter. “2 years ago Cassidie’s physical for athletics was a very different and scary appointment. Today the Doctor told her she is "text book of health" 🙌. Also, every parent needs to know and stand firm in what they believe in bc things can be pushed on don't have to do something you don't want or believe in. Feeling blessed and not scared of August bc we are armed and ready. I also have to say...other than her athletic physicals, she has not been to the Doctor in 2 years.” 🫶 My passion is because of the journey I have walked as a mother (this is personal for me).

#backtoschool #immunehealth #testanxiety #holistichealth #momsupport #certifiedholistichealthpractitioner #legacy3

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