Adrenal 🫶

✨Whew my adrenals need some extra 🫶 TLC after the stress of yesterday (our Lab had 2 seizures while out at the park).

😍Here are 3 favorites for today, depending on the level of adrenal crash Depends on protocol (I would say #4 is Thyromin to add, which I took before pic).

🤓The adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys and are known for the 'fight or flight' response... which is great if we're running from a lion, but the constant stress of daily life keeps them on overdrive! Give them some love and keep them going strong.

1. Nutmeg: THE essential oil for adrenal support, Nutmeg helps process and balance feelings of Exhaustion.

2. Cortistop: is designed to address the way women's bodies react to the cortisol produced when under stress. CortiStop is an herb and essential oil supplement that helps to naturally balance the stress response by calming the body and lowering cortisol levels.

3. Loving Energy: @biorayinc I carry in my retail space as herbal liquid formula options. Loving Energy®, alcohol-free, is a restorative and calming Traditional Chinese Kidney Yin Tonic.

4. Thyromin: Let’s just say this supplement is an OMGeeee and I have seen incredible healing and testimonies with myself and clients with this product. is a special blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and essential oils that work together in a perfectly balanced formula to maximize nutritional support for healthy thyroid function.

🫶Hope this helps somebody else today needing some extra adrenal love. 👉For more info on any of these products, just ask.

YL Shopping Link here

#adrenalfatiguerecovery #adrenalhealth #holistichealth #thyroidhealing #autoimmunedisease #holisticpractitioner #legacy3

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