Random Health Facts
🤓 Fun Facts Day!
(Aka Brain dump)…
👉High blood pressure (is a mineral deficiency and cortisol induced) is an indicator of low magnesium.
👉Statins = Dementia (the brain needs cholesterol).
👉Helping your body produce pregnenolone naturally can help heal Lupus (this is a big one for me 🙋‍♀️, part of my story).
👉Giving children Tylenol (study is between 12-18months) you are 20x more likely to have a child with Autism.
👉Low Progesterone is the major cause of females with cysts, hard period cycles, infertility.
🙋‍♀️Want to talk deeper on one of these subjects? Feel free to comment or DM me, I would love to have a conversation and dig deeper with you.
#holisticpractitioner #realtalk #healthfacts #diggingdeeper #braindump #lupus #rootcause