Grief and Breath-work

✨There is a reason we see an increase of Respiratory problems during the Holiday Season.

🫁 Grief = Physical complaint 👉 Asthma/Respiratory

Emotional Root - Grief 👉 Root - Liver

When there is grief, the adenoids and the adrenal glands shut down.

✨Cypress is such an amazing oil for grief. It has so many uses. Studying Cypress is very fascinating. It was traditional for cemeteries to have cypress trees because of its ability to help process grief. Also, the cross was made out of Cypress and the ark. So there is a lot of tradition in the wood itself.

✨Essential oils clean at a cellular level (like little scrubbers), getting into the nooks of the brain (through the blood brain barrier and connecting to the amygdala)…

👉 My favorite Breath Exercise to add to this work with Cypress EO. 👇

Find a comfortable & quiet space where you can relax.

Close your eyes and imagine your lungs as a ball – expanding and contracting.

Slowly take a deep breath in for 4 seconds (adding a diffuser or EO to your hands during this part will increase your release and experience).

Slowly exhale for 4 seconds.

Repeat 4 times.

When you're ready, open your eyes.

👉Purchase Cypress EO here

🤓 Cypress Spotlight

🫶 Hi, I am Suzanne Cox. I am a Holistic Practitioner and my passion is helping release emotions that are making you sick.

#aromatherapy #griefrecovery #breathwork #holisticpractitioner #lunghealth #respiratorysupport

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