Brain post Trauma

✨Why did I run the morning after our wreck?

I had to show my brain that I was alive and ok. My brain shut down for a few seconds during the crash to “protect” me from trauma. I needed to wake it up, get my circulation, heart, body moving. Striking the pavement with my feet, sent frequency up through my spine, to my brain, saying “turn on, it’s ok, she’s ok”.

🤓Does trauma stay in your cells?

“Like a virus in our encoding system, unprocessed traumatic memories can become sticking points that cause our mental and physical processes to malfunction. Early evidence of cellular memory shows that it's not just our brain, but our body's cells that could hold an imprint of past traumatic events.” Quick Google search (since people love google searches)…

👉Today’s goal is to get in a vehicle again, my inflammation has lowered enough for me to see my chiropractor today 🙏. Thank you Valor and Copaiba EOs.

#oilupbuttercup #holisticpractitioner #aromafreedomcertified #theemotioncode #postwreckrecovery #endurancerunner #practicewhatyoupreach #chiropractoradjustment

Suzanne CoxComment