13.1 Race Report

✨Showing up is not always easy, but in the hard, when you finish, it’s absolutely rewarding 🏅. That about sums up my race yesterday.

🏃‍♀️3 years ago I was in my peak race season (multiple PR races), those were my last races until yesterday.

✨December 26th I decided, enough with this (that’s being nice), I’m racing again!!!And I did it, no teammates, nobody I knew spectating or running the course, I showed up for me, I did something I love, I ran with joy (even with 91% humidity). I went in with no expectations, no race plan (other than just being present). At mile 2 I knew the heat was brutal and that I had to change up what was my normal.

🏅 I 100% don’t drink Gatorade (the ingredients are horrible)…yesterday I 100% took a sip at ever water stop.

🏅 I slowed myself down, held myself back, not knowing what my body would do. I never cramped, never walked (except to get that sip of Gatorade/water through EVERY water stop).

🏅Absolutely drenched with sweat, depleted of salt, I found JOY in the moment of the crowds and the race action again.

🏅My body and mind were strong. It was so refreshing and restorative. I am so Thankful and ready for the next one (just let me sleep, eat, and hydrate today).

🥰Oh, and I had the best road-trip with my daughter Cass (last minute decision). Thanks to my friend Billie for sending us to perfect eating places. And for hubby booking the best hotel ever. Xoxo

I should also add that from Nov-Race I trained through an ankle injury, tailbone injury, and neck injury. It took @saluschiros @roja0117 to keep me going.

@thewoodlandsmarathon @westinthewoodlands @livetruefood @whiskeycakewoodlands #halfmarathonraceday #halfmarathon2022✅ #40somethingfitness @cassidie.cox @starinite12 @tanzina.i xoxo

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