
✨Marriage …

It’s hard, it’s easy to forget the foundations that hold a marriage together…for us it is remembering to communicate the hard and uncomfortable conversations and topics. We are in a season of rebuilding that ❤️.


Ask your spouse which is the most difficult for the two of you to experience closeness: relational, spiritual, or sexual? Without arguing or commenting on their response, ask them what they feel might be a hurdle in the particular area of closeness.

Go at 3 and say it at the same time and then discuss.

So…1,2,3, GO!!!

My response “sexual”

His response “relational”

If you want to be vulnerable here and have support from me, please share in comments and know You Are Not Alone.

🙏 1 Corinthians 13:12

“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

#re|engage #marriage101 #dateyourspouse #sundaymarriagetalk #lover #Legacy3 #sundayscripture

Suzanne CoxComment