Why do I Raindrop?

✨ Why do I Raindrop?

I have been an Endurance Athlete since 2007 and until the Raindrop Massage entered my life 5 years (could be longer by now) ago, I thought I had to have torchure and pain during massages to keep my body healthy for running. I always struggled with my back, IT Bands, and my hips being out of alignment.

Fast forward = Lori Cochran Rodriguez + Raindrop Massage = alignment, strong skeletal system, boost my immune system, helps with sleep, no pain during massage, and no IT Band issues 👏🙌. I will never look for another type of massage! So thankful for the research and science behind this massage.

#becauseofgaryyoung #raindropmassage #endurancerunner #holisticwellnesscoach @roja0117 #CNHP #40somethingfitness

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