Restore 2022

✨ Every year at our team holiday party I release a word, blend, and the why behind what I chose. For 2022 Restore is our word.

✨Restore - to bring back, repair, return, and renovate. Restoration - the process of repairing.

🙏Scripture - Psalms 23:3

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.


“The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses.” Hanna Rion

✨ Restore Blend:

Cedarwood EO = At night the animals in the wild lie down under the tree for the protection, recharging, and rejuvenation the trees bring them.

White Angelica EO = The Armor. It is like a cocoon.

Clarity EO = Restoration for the brain.

So thankful for this tradition and my team. Your are seen and loved and wellness is yours.

#oilyabundancefamily #CNHP #Legacy3 #restore2022 #favoritethings

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