30 Day Water Challenge

🙋‍♀️ Who’s ready for a 30 Day Water Challenge?

It’s one of the best things you can do for your health.

🤓Did you know that water is one of the most important nutrients your body needs? Without it, you’ll only survive about 3 days.

Water does all of the following:

Lubricates the joints

Forms saliva and mucous

Delivers oxygen through your body

Boosts skin health

Boosts productivity 

Flushes waste

Helps the digestive system

Regulates body temperature 

Cushions the brain and tissues

Maintains blood pressure

Reduces fatigue

Transports minerals and nutrients

Helps kidney function

Over the weekend, Dr. Peter Minke spoke a wellness course at our event, and even though I already drink a ton of water each day (I know my number of ounces), I really learned how important it is to start your day with water (before coffee)!

👉 What’s the Challenge?

Consume 20 oz of clean (meaning not tap) water, plain/unflavored, and room temperature before drinking anything else! Yup, no more starting your day with coffee! 🤯😭. You can start with a minimum of 8oz and increase from there (goal is 20oz).

Why can’t you flavor the water (not even lemon)? Because your digestive system will be triggered and will begin to use it for digestion. 🤯 And we want to hydrate the rest of our body first!!

Comment below if you are “in”, grab graphic, and let’s do this together!

#waterchallenge #Legacy3 #CNHP #drinkmorewater @binkmade

Suzanne Cox1 Comment